Today's Random Pic...
Today I got to help my dad with one of his prized possessions. #livinghistory #history #car #alabama #usa

Travel Thursday Pic...
This photo was taken four years ago today in the beautiful city of Valletta, Malta. #aroundeurope #malta #streetphotography...

Travel Thursday Pic...
I'm starting something new here on the blog.... On Thursdays I'm going to start posting photos from some of my favorite places I have...

Deer Week 2016... #5
A few more pics of the rut... #wildlife #dublin #deer #deerweek #rut #livinghistory

Deer Week 2016... #4
"Stuck in a rut" Phoenix park really is alive with deer right now. This time of year is known as "the rut". The male deer are all full...

Today's Random Pic...
I promise that I did not ask him to sit here and pose.... #streetphotography #portraits #randompic #people #livinghistory